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Allocation of Grants to Autonomous Bodies

Newdelhi:10/2/25:Details of Grants allocated to various Autonomous Bodies under the administrative control of the Ministry of Culture is annexed at Annexure –I.

There have been the demands of excess budget during the said period by some Autonomous Bodies and the same have been met. Autonomous Bodies are continuously advised to enhance their internal revenue generation to meet the excess demand. Details of the excess demand and the reasons there is at Annexure-II.

Grants are allocated to Autonomous Bodies keeping in view the overall allocation of the Ministry and their proposed programmes/activities during the year. Additional grants sought by the Autonomous Bodies are met through the Supplementary demands as per the GFR provisions. However, Autonomous Bodies are continuously encouraged to enhance their internal revenue generation to meet the excess demand.

This information was given by Union Minister for Culture and Tourism Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.


AUTONOMOUS BODIES BE/RE FROM F.Y. BE 2021-22 TO 2023-24                                                                                                (Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Organizations BE 21-22 RE 21-22 BE 22-23 RE 22-23 BE 23-24 RE 23-24
I Support to Akademies            
1 Sangeet Natak Akademi 5925.00 6087.00 6315.00 6660.52 6555.00 6855.00
2 Sahitya Akademi 3910.00 3787.00 3920.00 4198.16 3805.00 4055.00
3 Lalit Kala Akademi 2620.00 2558.00 2650.00 3310.80 2855.00 3255.00
4 National School of Drama 7065.00 6445.00 6975.00 4333.52 4855.00 5955.00
5 Centre for Cultural Resources and Training 2555.00 2455.00 2495.00 2495.00 2545.00 2545.00
6 Indira Gandhi National Culture for the Arts 5005.00 5330.00 5505.00 19005.00 10010.00 10010.00
7 Kalakshetra Foundation 1767.00 1872.00 1927.00 1977.00 2452.00 2662.00
8 Zonal Cultural Centers 5310.00 6419.00 6748.00 6748.00 7050.00 8208.00
  Total- Support to Akademies 34157.00 34953.00 36535.00 48728.00 40127.00 43545.00
II Support to Museum            
9 Victoria Memorial Hall 3377.00 3029.00 3099.00 2877.00 3134.00 3134.00
10 National Council of Science Museum 13186.00 13187.00 13902.00 14592.00 17260.00 20460.51
11 Allahabad Museum 1077.00 937.00 967.00 877.00 962.00 962.00
12 Indian Institute of Heritage (IIH)-NMI 2057.00 2057.00 2087.00 1902.00 1222.00 1222.00
13 Salarjung Museum 2397.00 2397.00 2487.00 2397.00 2522.00 2522.00
14 Indian Museum 2457.00 2392.00 4040.00 3282.00 4042.49 4042.49
15 Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sanghralaya 1772.00 1652.00 1702.00 1977.00 2355.00 2355.00
16 Prime Minister Museum & Library 3058.00 3058.00 3248.00 3608.00 4242.00 4242.00
  Total- Support to Museum 29381.00 28709.00 31532.00 31512.00 35739.49 38940.00
III Support to Libraries            
17 Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation 2707.00 2707.00 2752.00 3319.00 3367.00 3287.00
18 Delhi Public Library 3627.00 3237.00 3367.00 3252.00 3558.00 3538.00
19 Asiatic Society Library 2342.00 2342.00 2541.50 2261.50 2437.00 2237.00
20 Khuda Baksh Oriental Public Library 632.50 544.50 580.50 595.50 622.00 622.00
21 Rampur Raza Library 702.00 651.50 672.00 652.00 662.00 662.00
  Total- Support to Libraries 10010.50 9482.00 9913.00 10080.00 10646.00 10346.00
IV BTI and Memorials            
22 Gandhi Smriti Darshan Samiti 1402.00 1302.00 1366.00 1602.00 1560.00 2010.00
23 Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies 465.00 465.00 477.00 492.00 653.50 653.50
24 Nava Nalanda Mahavihara 1309.00 1609.00 1678.00 2177.00 2555.00 3804.50
25 Central Institute of Buddhist Studies, Leh. 2946.40 2576.40 2706.50 3338.50 3198.00 3545.00
26 Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies,Sarnath 5401.70 6283.90 4908.50 3935.50 3902.00 4032.00
27 Central Institute of Himalayan Cultural Studies, Dahung 1190.70 1151.70 1166.00 1211.00 1222.00 1352.00
28 Tabo     2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    (Rs. in lakh)

S.No. Organizations


BE 21-22 RE 21-22 BE 22-23 RE 22-23 BE 23-24 RE 23-24


  Total- BTI and Memorials 12714.80 13388.00 12304.00 12756.00 13090.50 15397.00
  Total- Autonomous Bodies 86263.30 86532.00 90284.00 103076.00 99602.99 108228.00



(Rs. in lakh)


    2021-22 2022-23 2023-24

S. No.







Funds Status after adjustments  

Reasons for excess demands





Funds Status after adjustments Reasons for excess demands  




Funds Status after adjustments Reasons for excess demands
1 Sangeet Natak Akademi 5925.00 6087.00 5716.87   6315.00 6660.52 6505.52 For conducting various programmes/activities 6555.00 6855.00 7105.00 Additional requirement is for fellowship awards for the year.
2 Sahitya Akademi 3910.00 3787.00 4369.77 For payment to the CPWD Bengaluru towards construction of the sales-cum-godown and setting up of Metro Book Shop at their Kempe Gowda Metro Station 3920.00 4198.16 4381.96 For conducting various programmes/activitiesb 3805.00 4055.00 4356.59 For Festival of Letters was conducted at the large scale involving more than 1100 writers from across the nation, due to which amt of more than Rs. 4 crore was incurred and the bills are pending i.r.o. honorarium and TA to the writers and various vendors


  2021-22 2022-23 2023-24

S. No.







Funds Status after adjustments  

Reasons for excess demands





Funds Status after adjustments Reasons for excess demands  




Funds Status after adjustments Reasons for excess demands
3 Lalit Kala Akademi 2620.00 2558.00 3022.57 For renovation work of old building of Regional Centre of Kolkata & Chennai and infrastructure development of newly built building at Regional Office, Kolkata, etc. 2650.00 3310.80 3110.80 For conducting various programmes/activities 2855.00 3255.00 3530.00 For maintenance of all regional centre and pension to staff for the month of Feb, 2024/salary to outsourced staff etc.
4 National School of Drama 7065.00 6445.00 5593.58   6975.00 4333.52 4333.52   4855.00 5955.00 6255.00 For pending payment of bill related to BRM
5 Centre for Cultural Resources and Training 2555.00 2455.00 3114.36 Rs. 2cr. To CCRT towards payment of construction of CCRT Regional Centre building of Udaipur & purchase of new furniture/fixture & equipment 2495.00 2495.00 2511.20 For conducting various programmes/activities. 2545.00 2545.00 2595.00  
6 Indira Gandhi National Culture for the Arts 5005.00 5330.00 5330.00 To meet committed liabilities during the year 5505.00 19005.00 23208.82 For recoupment of advance taken of Rs.56.60 crore from Contingency fund of India in r/o IGNCA for parliament art works 10010.00 10010.00 10910.00 For Prerna School, Digitization of Sampurnand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalya and G20 Summit
    2021-22 2022-23 2023-24

S. No.







Funds Status after adjustments  

Reasons for excess demands





Funds Status after adjustments Reasons for excess demands  




Funds Status after adjustments Reasons for excess demands
7 Kalakshetra Foundation 1767.00 1872.00 1872.00 To meet committed liabilities during the year 1927.00 1977.00 2127.00 For project sanitization, language moderation by third party agency for Mera Estimated exp. of Rs.

2.50 cr. By Kalakshetra foundation till 31.03.2023

2452.00 2662.00 2662.00 For creation of EL Fund with LIC
8 Zonal Cultural Centers 5310.00 6419.00 6499.56 To meet committed liabilities during the year 6748.00 6748.00 6746.00   7050.00 8208.00 11019.00 For organizing program on Cultural Components(Anant Sutra,Vande Bharatam and Tableau)during 75th Republic Day Celebrations,2024


    2021-22 2022-23 2023-24

S. No.







Funds Status after adjustments  

Reasons for excess demands





Funds Status after adjustments Reasons for excess demands  




Funds Status after adjustments Reasons for excess demands
9 National Council of Science Museum 13186.00 13187.00 13287.00   13902.00 14592.00 14230.50 For development of Planetarium software by NCSM 17260.00 20460.51 20650.51  
10 Indian Institute of Heritage(IIH)-NMI 2057.00 2057.00 2057.00   2087.00 1902.00 1934.90   1222.00 1222.00 1578.75 For expenditure towards special projects and enhanced expenditure on IIH campus such as security, housekeeping, horticulture, AMC of building, generator expenses etc.
11 Salarjung Museum 2397.00 2397.00 3046.00 To meet the committed liabilities during the year 2487.00 2397.00 2397.00   2522.00 2522.00 2522.00  
    2021-22 2022-23 2023-24

S. No.







Funds Status after adjustments  

Reasons for excess demands





Funds Status after adjustments Reasons for excess demands  




Funds Status after adjustments Reasons for excess demands
12 Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya 1772.00 1652.00 1729.10 To meet the expense of DCRG fund, open air and indoor exhibition and other routine expense 1702.00 1977.00 1942.00 IGRMS for EPF  arrears, DCRG fund 2355.00 2355.00 2545.25 For

Wages, Tagore Scholarship,Biennale2023-24, Audit fee,

EPF Interest payable etc.

13 Prime Minister Museum & Library 3058.00 3058.00 3366.62 To incur the expenditure towards water, electricity charges and other general expenditure, to Tagore National Fellowship for Culture Research Scheme for local TA/Honorarium, stationery, travel project staff, accommodation, misc., software and on account of financial impact of implementation of 7th CPC benefits for the pensioner 3248.00 3608.00 3555.00 Rs. 1.50 cr. for office expenses of PM Museum, electricity bill, etc. by PMM&L 4242.00 4242.00 7938.00 To facilitate the payment of property tax/ service charges to NDMC under the Grant-in-aid General head.
    2021-22 2022-23 2023-24

S. No.







Funds Status after adjustments  

Reasons for excess demands





Funds Status after adjustments Reasons for excess demands  




Funds Status after adjustments Reasons for excess demands
14 Delhi Public Library 3627.00 3237.00 3256.07   3367.00 3252.00 3252.00   3558.00 3538.00 3638.00 For payment of communication to 12 pensioners, reimbursement of medical expenses to pensioners
15 Asiatic Society Library 2342.00 2342.00 2402.05 Additional Fund  given by the Ministry under the Object Head ‘GIA-General’ to meet expenses on account of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsava  and Digitization Project. 2541.50 2261.50 2189.50   2437.00 2237.00 2024.30  
16 Khuda Baksh Oriental Public Library 632.50 544.50 544.50   580.50 595.50 608.50 For conducting various programmes/activities 622.00 622.00 700.47 For

Payment of corporation tax and repairing of Old A. C. Plant


    2021-22 2022-23 2023-24

S. No.







Funds Status after adjustments  

Reasons for excess demands





Funds Status after adjustments Reasons for excess demands  




Funds Status after adjustments Reasons for excess demands
17 Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies 465.00 465.00 465.00   477.00 492.00 602.00 For conducting various programmes/activities 653.50 653.50 763.50 For repair & renovation of Azad Bhawan premises of MAKAIAS

& to conduct seminar/workshop/symposium/lecture session


18 Nava Nalanda Mahavihara 1309.00 1609.00 2291.57 To Nav Nalanda Mahavihara for upgradation of existing Residential Complex and administrative building, etc


1678.00 2177.00 2177.72 For conducting various programmes/activities 2555.00 3804.50 3804.50  
19 Central Institute of Buddhist Studies, Leh. 2946.40 2576.40 2704.23 To central Institute of Buddhist Studies for clearing  existing liabilities of CPWD, etc. 2706.50 3338.50 3044.30 For conducting various programmes/activities 3198.00 3545.00 3845.00 For CIBS to razzing and finishing of compound wall at new campus, repair and renovation of guest house and vertical extension of senior secondary school building another storey of classroom
    2021-22 2022-23 2023-24

S. No.







Funds Status after adjustments  

Reasons for excess demands





Funds Status after adjustments Reasons for excess demands  




Funds Status after adjustments Reasons for excess demands
20 Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath 5401.70 6283.90 6129.40 For maintenance of Sowa Rigpa Bhawan (academic & hospital) under Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, Varanasi 4908.50 3935.50 4347.58   3902.00 4032.00 4032.00 For maintenance of Sowa Rigpa Bhawan (academic & hospital) under Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, Varanasi
21 Central Institute of Himalayan Cultural Studies, Dahung 1190.70 1151.70 1146.83   1166.00 1211.00 1216.40 For conducting various programmes/activities 1222.00 1352.00 1352.00 To meet the committed liabilities during the year



About Editor in chief

Ashok Palit has completed his graduation from Upendranath College Soro, Balasore and post graduation from Utkal University in Odia Language and literture.. He has also carved out a niche for himself as a scribe of eminence after joining the profession in 1988. He is also an independent media production professional. He brings loads of experience to Advanced Media, Ashok Palit as a cineaste has been active in film criticism for over three decades. As a film society activist, he soared to eminence for his profound commitment to the art film appreciation and aesthetics of cinema. His mode of discourse is often erudite but always lucid and comprehensible marked by a perfect acumen so rare in the field. A film aesthete with an immense fond of critical sensibilities, he wrote about growth and development of odia cinema in New Indian Express, The Times of India, The Hindustan Times, The Asian Age and Screen. He has been working as an Editor for Cine Samaya from 2002-2004.. He had made solid contribution on cinema in many odia Dailies and weekly such as Samaj, Prajatantra, Dharatri, Samaya, Satabadi, and weekly Samaya.

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