Banapur23/5/24:: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday said “Odisha needs a double-engine govt to ensure ‘bulldozer’ action against land, sand, forest and cattle mafia in the State Under the leadership of PM Modi”
Addressing party workers at Banapur, Yogi said, “Naveen Patnaik govt in Odisha is so much surrounded by officers that it has to resort to hijacking the free ration scheme of the Central govt.”
‘Bhagwan Ke Khajane Main Bhi Dacoity’ States having double-engine govt like Uttar Pradesh are getting huge benefits from Central schemes. But here in Odisha, the govt is obstructing the implementation of the Ayushman Bharat Yojana. Under Naveen Patnaik govt in Odisha, even keys of Puri Srimandir Ratna Bhandar went missing; treasure of the Lord is also getting looted here, added Yogi.
“Officer Raj leads to corruption & dictatorship and the rights of people are subsequently curtailed No officer should be given so much power that he should start running the govt as it is the responsibility of those elected by the people”, said the UP CM.