Titlagarh:2/5/24: Biju Janata Dal Supremo and Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik today filed his nomination papers for the Kantabanji Assembly constituency. He filed his Nomination Papers at the Sub-collector’s office in Titlagarh. He filed the Nomination papers with the returning officer. Senior BJD leaders Anang Udaya Singhdeo, Kartik Pandian, Bolangir Assembly Constituency candidate Kalikesh Narayan Singhdeo, Titlagarh BJD Assembly candidate Tukuni Sahu were present during the nomination filing.
CM Naveen arrived in Titlagarh today morning to file his nomination papers for the Kantabanji Assembly seat. He garlanded the statue of Biju Babu and went to the Sub-collector’s office for filing the Nomination Papers. People in large numbers gathered on the way to welcome their beloved leader. Naveen is contesting from two assembly constituencies, Hinjili in Ganjam and Kantabanji in Bolangir this year. He had filed the nomination papers for the Hinjili seat on the 30th of April.