Bhubaneswar:13/2/24:Senior BJP leader and former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Tuesday launched a scathing attack on the Naveen Patnaik-led Biju Janata Dal (BJD) government and accused the Chief Minister of outsourcing his government.
Chouhan targeted the state government soon after arriving at Bhubaneswar airport today. He is scheduled to visit Jagatsinghpur and meet booth-level works and review Lok Sabha election preparedness in Cuttack.“Prime Minister has taken a pledge to make Vikshit Bharat and to make this vision a reality we are carrying out our work. In Odisha, both Assembly and Lok Sabha elections will be held together. Here, the Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has outsourced his government,” alleged Chouhan.
According to the senior BJP leader, CM Naveen Patnaik is not running the government rather his officers are doing the job. The officers have created a web of corruption and no work is being done without giving bribes. The women are also not safe here in Odisha, he said.
“The Prime Minister has implemented several welfare schemes and granted funds to Odisha. The central schemes are not being implemented in Odisha. The funds are sent by the Centre but Naveen Ji is rebranding the schemes in his name. The people have now come to know about this,” said Chouhan.
While interacting with the media persons upon his arrival, Chouhan said that the people of Odisha love Narendra Modi and his popularity is high among people.
“We will not only win more Lok Sabha seats but also form government in Odisha,” he said.
Responding to a media query on BJD’s women’s vote bank, Chouhan said, “Only publicity is made under SHG scheme. The beneficiaries are not getting benefits as the officers of Naveen Babu are only doing branding and not doing any work.”To a question on alleged nexus with BJD, the former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said that the BJP will fight the election on its own and win as well in Odisha