Rajinikanth once again proved why he is called Thalaiva. His latest offering Jailer is created havoc at the worldwide box office. In just two days of its release, the film’s India collection stands at Rs 75 crore. At the Indian box office, Jailer opened to Rs 48.50 crore and on Friday, the film minted Rs 27 crore. Trade analysts are predicting that it will easily cross the coveted Rs 100 crore mark after adding Saturday’s figures.
The film is also expected to gross over Rs 500 crore in its lifetime with the potential to earn more. Discussing the film’s potential, trade Analyst Ramesh Bala “The Rs 100 crore opening was not a full-out surprise as ‘Jailer’ was expected to explode in the five Southern states, particularly in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and the Telugu-speaking states. Karnataka has also given a good contribution but it is primarily the Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu states.
“Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Pathaan became the highest-grossing Hindi film with a lifetime collection of over Rs 1,000 crore. On being asked whether Rajinikanth’s film has the capability to cross Pathaan’s figures, Bala said, I doubt it. You see, these movies had appeal throughout the world, whereas ‘Jailer’ is mostly a Southern audience film with select international markets. These movies also have a level of spectacle with them which ‘Jailer’ doesn’t have. But it does have the potential, so I am not ruling out that possibility.”
The action thriller flick is directed by Nelson and has a big lineup of supporting casts including Ramya Krishnan, Sunil, and Vasanth Ravi.. The film also has cameo appearances from Jackie Shroff, Mohanlal, and Tamannaah Bhatia.
Rajinikanth’s 169th film is reportedly made on a huge budget of Rs 200 crore