On the auspicious occasion of Jagannath Rath Yatra, Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah participated in Mangala Aarti and took blessings of Mahaprabhu at Jagannath Temple in Ahmedabad today. In his tweet, Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, said that Shri Jagannath Rath Yatra is a divine gathering of faith and devotion. Every year, the experience of having darshan here is divine and memorable. May Mahaprabhu bless everyone. Jai Jagannath
.Shri Amit Shah inaugurated various development works and also performed Bhoomipujan in Ahmedabad today. The Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation inaugurated newly constructed park at New Ranip by Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC), newly constructed Jagatpur Railway flyover at a cost of Rs 67 crore by AMC and Railways at Chandlodia and People’s Park at CREDAI Garden. Shri Shah also performed Bhumipujan of Trimurti Hospital in Bavla
.Inaugurating the CREDAI Garden-People’s Park, the Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation said that CREDAI has constructed People’s Park in 12,000 square meters at a cost of about Rs 2.5 crore. He said that CREDAI has made this beautiful place keeping in mind the environment as well as the middle class, upper middle class and poor children. Today, in the process of increasing urbanization, the garden is a very good and comfortable place for the common citizen.