NEW DELHI 6/3/23: S.S. Dubey took charge as the new Controller General of Accounts (CGA) on Monday. Dubey is the 28th officer to hold the position of CGA.“Dubey, a 1989-batch Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS) officer, is appointed by the Government of India as the Controller General of Accounts (CGA) with effect from 6th March, 2023. Prior to taking charge as the CGA, Shri Dubey was Additional Controller of Accounts, Public Financial Management System (PFMS),” said an official statement. Prior to that, Dubey has served as Chief Controller of Accounts in Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion etc. and as Controller/Deputy Controller of Accounts in Ministry of Environment & Forest, Ministry of External Affairs, Department of Revenue, Department of Supply etc. and was in-charge of budgeting, accounting, payment, internal audit etc. He also served as Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer in Bank Note Press, Dewas.
On his Central deputation, Dubey served as Joint Secretary & Financial Advisor to Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs and Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region. He was also Deputy Secretary/Director to Ministry of Food, Consumer Affairs & Public Distribution and supervised Targeted Public Distribution System (PDS) and CWC (PSU).Dubey was Government of India nominee Director on Board of Public Sector Undertakings like Engineering Projects India ltd., NBCC, HUDCO and Metro Rail Corporations of several states.
Besides, serving Government of India, Dubey also has international experience of five years in United Nations, where he worked as Head of Procurement and Logistics, United Nations World Food Programme, New Delhi.
Controller General of Accounts (CGA) is ‘the Principal Advisor’ on Accounting matters to the Union Government. CGA is responsible for establishing and managing a technically sound Management Accounting System and preparation & submission of the accounts of the Union government. CGA is also responsible for exchequer control and conduct of internal audits for the central government.