Goa:28/11/24:The Press Conference for the much-anticipated closing film ‘Dry Season’ (originally titled Sukho), directed by the acclaimed Bohdan Sláma and produced by Petr Oukropec, was held as part of the 55th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa. Organized by the Press Information Bureau, the event highlighted the film’s poignant exploration of environmental and generational challenges.
Set amidst verdant fields, the story follows Josef, a fifty-year-old farmer striving for an alternative lifestyle with his wife Eva and their three children. Josef’s clash with Viktor, a profit-driven agribusiness owner, intensifies as a dry summer leaves the village without drinking water, sparking tensions between their families, complicated further by Viktor’s strained bond with his returning son.
Director Bohdan Sláma reflected on the universal bond between humans and the environment, underlining the need to protect natural resources as a reflection of safeguarding the human spirit. He spoke about the meticulous journey of crafting the screenplay, which took three years and underwent 11 revisions, and expressed gratitude for the collaborative efforts of the cast and producers that enriched the filmmaking process.
Producer Petr Oukropec shared the complexities of financing and creating art-house cinema in smaller nations, emphasizing the significance of international collaborations. He lauded the film’s relevance, resonating with global audiences by addressing themes of sustainability, family, and generational divides.
The filmmakers urged younger audiences to take ownership of their future, as the narrative serves as a mirror to pressing contemporary issues. Concluding the session, Bohdan Sláma expressed hope that Dry Season would spark meaningful conversations, not just in India but across the world, reminding audiences of the delicate balance between humanity and nature.
Watch the Press Conference here: