Goa: 23 November 2024 The Indian Panorama section at the International Film Festival of India (IFFI), Goa, witnessed the showcase of Hanu-Man, a captivating cinematic venture directed by Prasanth Varma. The film, set in the fictional village of Anjanadri, narrates the journey of Hanumanthu, a petty thief who gains divine powers from a fossilized drop of Lord Hanuman’s blood. This transformation sets the stage for an epic clash with a self-proclaimed superhero, intertwining mythology, courage, and human resilience.
Actor Teja Sajja, who plays the lead role of Hanumanthu, reflected on the responsibility of carrying forward a narrative rooted in Indian mythology. Speaking about the production’s scale, he emphasized how the team overcame budgetary constraints to create visuals comparable to large-scale Indian cinema. The picturesque yet fictional village of Anjanadri was entirely recreated on a set in Hyderabad, showcasing the ingenuity of the filmmakers.
Sajja also shed light on the creative vision behind the film, crediting Director Prasanth Varma’s persistence and passion throughout the three-year-long journey of production. He highlighted how the film not only brings back India’s mythological roots but also positions Indian cinema on a global platform.
Sajja expressed pride in portraying a character deeply rooted in Indian culture while resonating with international audiences familiar with similar mythological figures. Plans for expanding Hanu-Man into a larger franchise were also revealed, with Teja confirming work on a sequel that promises an even grander narrative. He emphasized the importance of well-written female characters in the film, noting their pivotal role in driving the story forward.
The actor also shared his optimism about the future of Indian cinema, attributing its growth to the audience’s unwavering love for storytelling. He remarked that the thriving Telugu film industry continues to break barriers with innovative narratives and compelling performances, a trend that he hopes will inspire greater international recognition.
Hanu-Man represents a powerful blend of cultural heritage and modern storytelling, aiming to captivate audiences both in India and abroad. Its inclusion in the Indian Panorama section reaffirms the film’s artistic and cultural significance. The presser was moderated by Mahesh Chopade.
.Watch the entire press conference here: