Bhubaneswar: 15/11/24:Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi on Friday launched projects worth Rs 1,535 crore for tribal development in the state on the occasion of Janjatiya Gaurav Divas, the birth anniversary of Bhagwan Birsa Munda at Janata Maidan in Bhubaneswar.
The Chief Minister paid tribute to Bhagwan Birsa Munda, hailing him as a unique fighter of India’s freedom struggle. He emphasized that the country will never forget Birsa Munda’s contribution to the upliftment of the tribal community.
He also remembered the sacrifices of great freedom fighters like Shaheed Laxman Nayak, Ratna Nayak, Chakra Bishoi, Dora Bishoi, and Rendo Majhi. He acknowledged their significant contributions to shaping the history and culture of India.
The projects included the upgradation of 16 Ashram Schools to high schools. With Rs 15 crore for each school, total of Rs 240 crore would be spent on the project. Similarly, 13 primary schools would be upgraded to high schools at a cost of Rs 286 crore, and hostels of 426 primary schools would be constructed with a budget of Rs 852 crore.
Union Minister Pralhad Joshi also spoke on the occasion. Deputy Chief Minister KV Singhdeo, minister Nityanand Gond, and Bhubaneswar MP Aparajita Sarangi spoke on the contributions of different tribal leaders on the occasion.