New Delhi :7/11/24: Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation Shri Amit Shah addressed the inaugural session of the two-day ‘Anti-Terrorism Conference-2024’ organized by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in New Delhi today. Union Home Minister unveiled the motto of NIA, released the SoP for UAPA investigations, and facilitated 11 medal winners from the NIA. Several dignitaries were present, including Union Home Secretary Shri Govind Mohan, Director, Intelligence Bureau (IB Shri Tapan Kumar Deka,), Deputy National Security Advisor Shri Pankaj Singh, and NIA Director General Shri Sadanand Vasant Date were present on the occasion. The conference is being attended by senior police officers from States/UTs, officers from Central agencies/Departments dealing with issues related to Counter Terrorism, and experts from related fields such as law, forensics, technology, etc.
Addressing the conference, Union Home Minister said that NIA is not just an investigating agency and under its aegis, anti-terrorist activities across the country should be compiled and promoted and measures should be taken so that the investigating agency stands firmly in the court and the anti-terror mechanism is strengthened.
Shri Amit Shah said that 11 medal winners have also been felicitated today. He said that in the 75 years since India’s independence, 36,468 policemen have made supreme sacrifices for internal security and protection of borders to maintain the security of the country.
Union Home Minister stated that to win the fight against terrorism, a “Whole of Government Approach” is essential, and we need to create an integrated, actionable system. He emphasized that to address challenges such as terror financing and new threats like cryptocurrencies; a coordinated approach must be adapted from police stations at the state level to the offices of the Directors General of Police. Shri Shah said that the time has come to shift from a “Need to Know” approach to a “Duty to Share” approach.
Shri Amit Shah urged that all states should consider the fight against terrorism as their own. He said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the Ministry of Home Affairs will create an ecosystem with a strong resolve to fight terrorism, deliver results, and successfully root out this menace.