Keonjhar:1/11/24: Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi celebrated the Diwali festival at his native village Raikala in Keonjhar district as per tribal rituals. The Chief Minister has been on a two-day visit to his home district since Thursday to celebrate Diwali and Kali Puja festival with his family members.
Sources said Majhi, who was accorded a rousing welcome at his village, also attended Gobardhan Puja with family. The puja is celebrated with certain principles with a community feast. This puja is observed by tribals during Diwali festival and is widely observed among the Kudumi and Santhal communities of Odisha, especially in Keonjhar and Mayurbhanj districts.
As per the name, this community puja is dedicated to cow called as ‘Gomata’ by Hindus and tribals. This puja is observed for the safety of their domestic animals. Kudumi community and Santhal tribe people think of cattle as their family members as cows and bullocks help in farming. On Diwali, tribal people perform Sohrai Puja and the CM attends it.
The CM joined family members and relatives in celebrating traditional puja. In the afternoon, he is slated to visit Kali Puja pandals in Keonjhar town before returning to Bhubaneswar.