Home » Education » Union Public Service Commission announces the final results of Central Armed Police Forces ( CAPF Assistant Commandants) Examination, 2023

Union Public Service Commission announces the final results of Central Armed Police Forces ( CAPF Assistant Commandants) Examination, 2023

Newdelhi:5/7/24: Based on the result of the written part of the Central  Armed  Police  Forces  (Assistant Commandants) Examination, 2023 held by the UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION on  6th August, 2023  and the interviews for the Personality  Test held from 13.05.2024 to 14.06.2024, the following is the list,  in  order  of  merit, of candidates who have been recommended for appointment to the posts of Assistant Commandants (Group A) in the Central Armed Police Forces viz. Border Security Force (BSF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) and Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB).

2.        A total number of 312 candidates have been recommended for appointment as per the following break-up:-

General EWS OBC SC ST Total

(Incl. 02 Ex-Servicemen)

33 95

(Incl. 04 Ex-Servicemen)


(Incl. 01 Ex-Serviceman)




(Incl. 07 Ex-Servicemen)

2.1      The final selection/appointment of recommended candidates will be subject to outcome of the Writ Petition (Civil) No. 5877/2022 filed by Diwakar Pande & Ors. Vs. Ministry of Home Affairs & Ors. in the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi.

2.2      Results of 04 candidates have been kept in sealed cover as per the direction of Hon’ble High Court of Delhi.

3.   Appointments to the various services shall be made by the Government according to the number of vacancies available and subject to the candidates fulfilling all the prescribed eligibility conditions/provisions contained in the Rules for the Examination and verifications, wherever due, being completed satisfactorily. Allotment to various services shall be made according to the merit obtained and preference of services given by candidates.

4.        The  number  of  vacancies  reported  by  the Government to  be  filled are  as  under:


Name of Service Total Number of Vacancies
General EWS OBC SC ST Total
C.R.P.F 24 05 14 08 04 55
B.S.F. 35 09 23 13 06 86
I.T.B.P. 42 08 21 12 08 91
S.S.B. 18 02 09 05 02 36
C.I.S.F. 39 09 29 09 05 91
TOTAL 158 33 96 47 25 359*

*incl. 10% of total vacancies reserved for Ex-Servicemen.

5.   The candidature of 75 recommended candidates with following Roll Nos. is provisional:


0205989 0300783 0400829 0500352 0500727 0500790
0501095 0502473 0502489 0502539 0502702 0503098
0503763 0503856 0505789 0506433 0506522 0507738
0602835 0804356 0805752 0806401 0806593 0807058
0807133 0807830 0808266 0808878 0809520 0813364
0813933 0814056 0817343 0818027 0820590 0822020
0824870 0828897 0831220 0832710 0835739 0835884
0837759 0839729 0839862 0843099 1000357 1201242
1300574 1301322 1301762 1301794 1301966 1502624
1700642 1700740 1900667 2400607 2609437 3401646
3402786 3402947 3503570 3504160 4000675 4300232
4400541 4400648 4600018 4901253 5200848 5402311
8800289 8800821 8900054      

6. Under Rule 16 (4) and (5) of the Central  Armed  Police  Forces  (Assistant Commandants) Examination, 2023, the Commission is maintaining a consolidated Reserve List of 92 candidates ranking in order of merit below the last recommended candidate under respective categories which are as under:


General EWS OBC SC ST Total
46 14 27 03 02 92

7.         Union Public Service Commission has a ‘Facilitation Counter’ near Examination Hall Building in its Campus. Candidates may obtain any information /clarification regarding their Examination/recruitments on working days between 10:00 hours to 17:00 hours in person or over Telephone Nos. 011-23385271/ 23381125. The result will also be available on the U.P.S.C. website, i.e., www.upsc.gov.in. However, marks of candidates are likely to be available on the website within 15 days from the date of declaration of the result.

Click here to  see result

About Editor in chief

Ashok Palit has completed his graduation from Upendranath College Soro, Balasore and post graduation from Utkal University in Odia Language and literture.. He has also carved out a niche for himself as a scribe of eminence after joining the profession in 1988. He is also an independent media production professional. He brings loads of experience to Advanced Media, Ashok Palit as a cineaste has been active in film criticism for over three decades. As a film society activist, he soared to eminence for his profound commitment to the art film appreciation and aesthetics of cinema. His mode of discourse is often erudite but always lucid and comprehensible marked by a perfect acumen so rare in the field. A film aesthete with an immense fond of critical sensibilities, he wrote about growth and development of odia cinema in New Indian Express, The Times of India, The Hindustan Times, The Asian Age and Screen. He has been working as an Editor for Cine Samaya from 2002-2004.. He had made solid contribution on cinema in many odia Dailies and weekly such as Samaj, Prajatantra, Dharatri, Samaya, Satabadi, and weekly Samaya.

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