Home » National » Voter turnout of 63.37% recorded in phase-6 of General Elections 2024

Voter turnout of 63.37% recorded in phase-6 of General Elections 2024

Newdelhi:28/5/24:In continuation of ECI two press notes dated 25.05.2024, Voter turnout of 63.37 % has been recorded in phase-6 for 58 PCs in the ongoing General Elections 2024. The gender-wise voter turnout figures for phase 6 is given below:


Phase Male Turnout Female turnout Third gender turnout Overall turnout
Phase 6 61.95% 64.95% 18.67% 63.37%


2. State wise and PC wise voter turnout data for Phase 6 is given at Table 1 and 2 respectivelyThe absolute number of voters for phase 6 is given at Table 3. Copy of Form 17C is also provided for every Polling Station in a Constituency to candidates though their polling agents. Actual data of Form 17 C shall prevail which is already shared with candidates on the day of poll itself. Final turnout will only be available post-counting with counting of postal ballots and its addition to total vote count. Postal Ballots include Postal Ballots given to service voters, absentee voters (85+, PwD, Essential Services etc.) and Voters on Election Duty. As per Statutory provisions, all candidates receive Daily accounts of such Postal ballots received.

  1. Additionally, PC wise details of registered electors for 57 PCs going for polls in phase 7 on June 1, 2024 are provided at Table 4.

Table 1:




Sl. No. State/UT No. of PCs VOTER Turnout (%)
Male Female Others Total
1 Bihar 8 51.95 62.95 7.24 57.18
2 Haryana 10 65.97 63.49 18.20 64.80
3 Jammu and Kashmir 1 57.86 52.86 22.22 55.40
4 Jharkhand 4 64.87 65.94 37.93 65.39
5 NCT OF Delhi 7 59.03 58.29 28.01 58.69
6 Odisha 6 74.07 74.86 20.76 74.45
7 Uttar Pradesh 14 51.31 57.12 5.41 54.04
8 West Bengal 8 81.62 83.83 33.08 82.71
8 States / UTs [58 PCs] 58 61.95 64.95 18.67 63.37

Table 2:






State/UT PC VOTER Turnout (%)
Male Female Others Total
1 Bihar Gopalganj 46.40 58.44 6.25 52.32
2 Bihar Maharajganj 46.68 58.36 0.00 52.27
3 Bihar Paschim Champaran 57.21 66.67 9.38 61.62
4 Bihar Purvi Champaran 55.02 64.82 23.81 59.68
5 Bihar Sheohar 51.79 63.68 3.17 57.40
6 Bihar Siwan 47.08 58.37 5.45 52.49
7 Bihar Vaishali 57.20 68.63 4.35 62.59
8 Bihar Valmiki Nagar 55.03 65.99 9.72 60.19
9 Haryana AMBALA 68.51 66.02 7.89 67.34
10 Haryana BHIWANI- MAHENDRAGARH 66.36 64.31 7.69 65.39
11 Haryana FARIDABAD 61.77 59.04 5.04 60.52
12 Haryana GURGAON 63.06 60.88 8.97 62.03
13 Haryana HISAR 66.65 63.69 27.27 65.27
14 Haryana KARNAL 65.16 62.15 50.00 63.74
15 Haryana KURUKSHETRA 67.66 66.30 50.00 67.01
16 Haryana ROHTAK 66.88 64.33 9.52 65.68
17 Haryana SIRSA 71.26 68.11 48.84 69.77
18 Haryana SONIPAT 64.69 62.02 18.18 63.44
19 Jammu and Kashmir ANANTNAG- RAJOURI 57.86 52.86 22.22 55.40
20 Jharkhand Dhanbad 61.82 62.33 31.25 62.06
21 Jharkhand Giridih 65.00 69.60 87.50 67.23
22 Jharkhand Jamshedpur 67.87 67.49 42.11 67.68
23 Jharkhand Ranchi 65.52 65.19 31.88 65.36


24 NCT OF Delhi Chandni Chowk 59.44 57.62 32.14 58.60
25 NCT OF Delhi East Delhi 59.34 59.72 52.88 59.51
26 NCT OF Delhi New Delhi 55.55 55.28 26.92 55.43
27 NCT OF Delhi North-East Delhi 63.55 62.13 41.61 62.89
28 NCT OF Delhi North-West Delhi 58.49 57.12 22.90 57.85
29 NCT OF Delhi South Delhi 56.28 56.67 13.39 56.45
30 NCT OF Delhi West Delhi 59.32 58.20 35.88 58.79
31 Odisha Bhubaneswar 64.75 64.24 22.46 64.49
32 Odisha Cuttack 71.74 70.63 17.70 71.20
33 Odisha Dhenkanal 77.49 78.59 18.13 78.01
34 Odisha Keonjhar 78.27 79.67 15.79 78.97
35 Odisha Puri 74.15 76.82 21.10 75.43
36 Odisha Sambalpur 79.25 79.75 24.82 79.50
37 Uttar Pradesh Allahabad 51.61 52.08 2.10 51.82
38 Uttar Pradesh Ambedkar Nagar 58.98 64.40 15.15 61.58
39 Uttar Pradesh Azamgarh 52.71 60.05 13.95 56.16
40 Uttar Pradesh Basti 53.28 60.52 11.34 56.67
41 Uttar Pradesh Bhadohi 50.89 55.52 3.51 53.07
42 Uttar Pradesh Domariyaganj 47.15 57.47 3.55 51.97
43 Uttar Pradesh Jaunpur 53.17 58.22 5.49 55.59
44 Uttar Pradesh Lalganj 49.88 59.33 4.00 54.38
45 Uttar Pradesh Machhlishahr 51.41 57.88 1.45 54.49
46 Uttar Pradesh Phulpur 49.30 48.45 2.55 48.91
47 Uttar Pradesh Pratapgarh 48.13 55.18 20.00 51.45
48 Uttar Pradesh Sant Kabir Nagar 48.21 57.53 2.27 52.57
49 Uttar Pradesh Shrawasti 51.63 54.21 24.07 52.83
50 Uttar Pradesh Sultanpur 52.62 58.90 6.12 55.63
51 West Bengal Bankura 80.83 80.67 0.00 80.75
52 West Bengal Bishnupur 86.51 85.29 50.00 85.91
53 West Bengal Ghatal 79.19 85.24 41.18 82.17
54 West Bengal Jhargram 83.55 83.39 21.05 83.47
55 West Bengal Kanthi 82.26 87.41 12.50 84.77
56 West Bengal Medinipur 80.87 82.26 58.62 81.56
57 West Bengal Purulia 78.00 78.79 15.79 78.39
58 West Bengal Tamluk 82.11 87.60 28.95 84.79
  All 58 PCs 61.95 64.95 18.67 63.37

Table 3:

Voter turnout data in absolute numbers for Phase 6




State PC Name Count of Elector* **Poll (%) Count of Votes***
1 Bihar Gopalganj 2024673 52.32 1059298
2 Bihar Maharajganj 1934937 52.27 1011421
3 Bihar Paschim Champaran 1756078 61.62 1082178
4 Bihar Purvi Champaran 1790761 59.68 1068642
5 Bihar Sheohar 1832745 57.40 1052021
6 Bihar Siwan 1896512 52.49 995416
7 Bihar Vaishali 1869178 62.59 1170009
8 Bihar Valmiki Nagar 1827281 60.19 1099781
9 Haryana AMBALA 1996708 67.34 1344503
10 Haryana BHIWANI- MAHENDRAGARH 1793029 65.39 1172526
11 Haryana FARIDABAD 2430212 60.52 1470649
12 Haryana GURGAON 2573411 62.03 1596240
13 Haryana HISAR 1790722 65.27 1168784
14 Haryana KARNAL 2104229 63.74 1341174
15 Haryana KURUKSHETRA 1794300 67.01 1202401
16 Haryana ROHTAK 1889844 65.68 1241201
17 Haryana SIRSA 1937689 69.77 1351932
18 Haryana SONIPAT 1766624 63.44 1120791
19 Jammu and Kashmir ANANTNAG-RAJOURI 1836576 55.40 1017451
20 Jharkhand Dhanbad 2285237 62.06 1418264
21 Jharkhand Giridih 1864660 67.23 1253553
22 Jharkhand Jamshedpur 1869278 67.68 1265169
23 Jharkhand Ranchi 2197331 65.36 1436127
24 NCT OF Delhi Chandni Chowk 1645958 58.60 964503
25 NCT OF Delhi East Delhi 2120584 59.51 1261988
26 NCT OF Delhi New Delhi 1525071 55.43 845285
27 NCT OF Delhi North-East Delhi 2463159 62.89 1549202
28 NCT OF Delhi North-West Delhi 2567423 57.85 1485378
29 NCT OF Delhi South Delhi 2291764 56.45 1293598
30 NCT OF Delhi West Delhi 2587977 58.79 1521541
31 Odisha Bhubaneswar 1672774 64.49 1078810
32 Odisha Cuttack 1571622 71.20 1118918
33 Odisha Dhenkanal 1529785 78.01 1193460
34 Odisha Keonjhar 1588179 78.97 1254163
35 Odisha Puri 1586465 75.43 1196684
36 Odisha Sambalpur 1499728 79.50 1192226
37 Uttar Pradesh Allahabad 1825730 51.82 946076
38 Uttar Pradesh Ambedkar Nagar 1911297 61.58 1176920
39 Uttar Pradesh Azamgarh 1868165 56.16 1049205
40 Uttar Pradesh Basti 1902898 56.67 1078313
41 Uttar Pradesh Bhadohi 2037925 53.07 1081465
42 Uttar Pradesh Domariyaganj 1961845 51.97 1019548
43 Uttar Pradesh Jaunpur 1977237 55.59 1099223
44 Uttar Pradesh Lalganj 1838882 54.38 1000053
45 Uttar Pradesh Machhlishahr 1940605 54.49 1057361
46 Uttar Pradesh Phulpur 2067043 48.91 1010909
47 Uttar Pradesh Pratapgarh 1833312 51.45 943245
48 Uttar Pradesh Sant Kabir Nagar 2071964 52.57 1089154
49 Uttar Pradesh Shrawasti 1980381 52.83 1046253
50 Uttar Pradesh Sultanpur 1852590 55.63 1030583
51 West Bengal Bankura 1780580 80.75 1437826
52 West Bengal Bishnupur 1754268 85.91 1507040
53 West Bengal Ghatal 1939945 82.17 1593990
54 West Bengal Jhargram 1779794 83.47 1485591
55 West Bengal Kanthi 1794537 84.77 1521159
56 West Bengal Medinipur 1811243 81.56 1477309
57 West Bengal Purulia 1823120 78.39 1429190
58 West Bengal Tamluk 1850741 84.79 1569233
All 58 PCs 111316606 63.37 70544933

*As informed through ECI Press Note No 99 dated May 23, 2024

**Continuously available on the Voter Turnout App

***As manually entered by field officers. Does not include Postal Ballots

Table- 4

Phase-7: Parliamentary Constituency wise Number of Electors


Phase-7: Parliamentary Constituency wise Number of Electors
State Name PC Name Electors*
Bihar Arrah 21,65,574
Bihar Buxar 19,23,164
Bihar Jahanabad 16,70,327
Bihar Karakat 18,81,191
Bihar Nalanda 22,88,240
Bihar Pataliputra 20,73,685
Bihar Patna Sahib 22,92,045
Bihar Sasaram (SC) 19,10,368
Chandigarh Chandigarh 6,59,805
Himachal Pradesh Hamirpur 14,32,636
Himachal Pradesh Kangra 15,02,514
Himachal Pradesh Mandi 13,64,060
Himachal Pradesh Shimla 13,46,369
Jharkhand Dumka 15,91,061
Jharkhand Godda 20,28,154
Jharkhand Rajmahal 17,04,671
Odisha Balasore 16,08,014
Odisha Bhadrak 17,70,915
Odisha Jagatsinghpur 17,00,814
Odisha Jajpur 15,45,664
Odisha Kendrapara 17,92,723
Odisha Mayurbhanj 15,42,927
Punjab Amritsar 16,11,263
Punjab Anandpur Sahib 17,32,211
Punjab Bathinda 16,51,188
Punjab Faridkot 15,94,033


Punjab Fatehgarh Sahib 15,52,567
Punjab Firozpur 16,70,008
Punjab Gurdaspur 16,05,204
Punjab Hoshiarpur 16,01,826
Punjab Jalandhar 16,54,005
Punjab Khadoor Sahib 16,67,797
Punjab Ludhiana 17,58,614
Punjab Patiala 18,06,424
Punjab Sangrur 15,56,601
Uttar Pradesh Ballia 19,23,645
Uttar Pradesh Bansgaon 18,20,854
Uttar Pradesh Chandauli 18,43,196
Uttar Pradesh Deoria 18,73,821
Uttar Pradesh Ghazipur 20,74,883
Uttar Pradesh Ghosi 20,83,928
Uttar Pradesh Gorakhpur 20,97,202
Uttar Pradesh Kushi Nagar 18,75,222
Uttar Pradesh Maharajganj 20,04,050
Uttar Pradesh Mirzapur 19,06,327
Uttar Pradesh Robertsganj 17,79,189
Uttar Pradesh Salempur 17,76,982
Uttar Pradesh Varanasi 19,97,578
West Bengal Barasat 19,05,400
West Bengal Basirhat 18,04,261
West Bengal Diamond harbour 18,80,779
West Bengal Dum dum 16,99,656
West Bengal Jadavpur 20,33,525
West Bengal Joynagar 18,44,780
West Bengal Kolkata Dakshin 18,49,520
West Bengal Kolkata Uttar 15,05,356
West Bengal Mathurapur 18,17,068

* Number of electors do not include count of Service Electors

About Editor in chief

Ashok Palit has completed his graduation from Upendranath College Soro, Balasore and post graduation from Utkal University in Odia Language and literture.. He has also carved out a niche for himself as a scribe of eminence after joining the profession in 1988. He is also an independent media production professional. He brings loads of experience to Advanced Media, Ashok Palit as a cineaste has been active in film criticism for over three decades. As a film society activist, he soared to eminence for his profound commitment to the art film appreciation and aesthetics of cinema. His mode of discourse is often erudite but always lucid and comprehensible marked by a perfect acumen so rare in the field. A film aesthete with an immense fond of critical sensibilities, he wrote about growth and development of odia cinema in New Indian Express, The Times of India, The Hindustan Times, The Asian Age and Screen. He has been working as an Editor for Cine Samaya from 2002-2004.. He had made solid contribution on cinema in many odia Dailies and weekly such as Samaj, Prajatantra, Dharatri, Samaya, Satabadi, and weekly Samaya.

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