Home » Education » IIT Bhubaneswar organizes DiversAsia Conference to promote inclusivity in Higher Education

IIT Bhubaneswar organizes DiversAsia Conference to promote inclusivity in Higher Education

Bhubaneswar:5/1/24: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bhubaneswar, in association with Nottingham Trent University, UK organized an international conference and workshop on “Embracing diversity in ASIA through the adoption of Inclusive Open Practices (DiversAsia)” from 3rd to 6th January 2024 at Bhubaneswar. This international conference-cum-workshop focused on inclusive higher education, the DiversAsia Toolkit, accessibility checker, and best practices. The programme began with the two-day international conference on 3rd January 2024.

Funded by Erasmus+Programme of the European Union, this program aimed at addressing the key challenges and presenting the best practices to be adopted for inclusive education and enhanced learning with the major context of students with physical and learning disabilities by addressing key challenges at an individual level, community level, institutional level, and government level and presenting the role of advanced assistive technologies and development of Toolkit. This conference meeting and workshop events were jointly hosted by the Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Nottingham Trent University, UK, Vellore Institute of Technology-VIT University, BangladeshUniversity of Engineering and Technology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Gazi University, Turkey, University of Latvia, Latvia, SoftQNR, Serbia, Plovdiv University, Bulgaria, National Association ofProfessionals Working with Disabled People, Bulgaria, PhoenixKM BVBA, Belgium and funded by Erasmus+Programme of the European union.

The two-day international conference was inaugurated by Shri Bishnupada Sethi, IAS, principal secretary in the Social Security & Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Department, Government of Odisha. Prof. David Brown, Coordinator, Nottingham Trent University (NTU), UK; Prof. Dinakar Pasla, Dean-Sponsored Research & IndustrialConsultancy (SRIC), IIT Bhubaneswar; Prof. Subhransu Ranjan Samantaray, Head, School of Electrical Sciences, IIT Bhubaneswar and Dr. M. Sabarimalai Manikandan, Project Investigator of the DiversAsiaproject also graced the inaugural session.

At the outset, Prof. Dinakar Pasla, Dean-SRICwelcomed all international partners and participants and introduced the major objectives of the DiversAsiaconference. Prof. Dinakar delivered the welcome address and summarized the collaborative research activities.

In his address, Shri Bishnupada Sethi emphasized the Government policies and best practices adopted for ensuring the social security and empowerment of persons with disabilities in Odisha. He appreciated IIT Bhubaneswar and the team of DiversAsia for taking up this initiative towards making higher education inclusive through the utilization of advanced assistive technology and artificial intelligence. He emphasized that the Social Security & Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Department and IIT Bhubaneswar collaborate on developing technologies and implementing them for the benefit of the differently abled people of the State.

Prof. David Brown introduced the DiversAsia Project and the Toolkit, which aim at making higher education accessible to students with disabilities through interactive learning materials and technology.

Prof. Subhransu Ranjan Samantaray stressed the development of technology for making higher education inclusive for students having disabilities. He affirmed that IIT Bhubaneswar is inclined to work in collaboration with different institutions and the state government to come up with solutions to address the real problems of these students.

The two-day conference witnessed several sessions with the deliberations on Inclusive Education and Assistive Technologies, DiversAsia Toolkit and Inclusive Education, Best Practices and Policies for Higher Education in India, and Outcomes of DiversAsia Toolkit Piloting. The research team from IIT Bhubaneswar demonstrated NLP technologies for the development of assistive technologies for students with physical and learning disabilities. During this conference, national and international speakers delivered key challenges, assistive devices, and best practices that need to be adopted with a focus on creating a sustainable inclusive education ecosystem.

In the closing ceremony, Prof. Sujit Roy, Dean-Continuing Education, IIT Bhubaneswar graced the occasion and appreciated the initiative. Prof. David, Project Coordinator, Nottingham Trent University (NTU), acknowledged Prof. Sujit Roy, IIT Bhubaneswar his continuous support from the start of the DiversAsia project. Dr. Srinivas Boppu delivered the vote of thanks.

DiversAsia partners appreciated the research members, BrahannayakiSekkar, Asit Kumar Panda and DevimoonchandRowthu who played a major role in development of NLP technologies under guidance of Dr. M. Sabarimalai Manikandan. The DiversAsia team of IIT Bhubaneswar, Dr. Srinivas Boppu, Dr. Tarakanta Nayak, Dr. Barathram Ramkumar and Dr. Satish D. Dhandole coordinated the event.


About Editor in chief

Ashok Palit has completed his graduation from Upendranath College Soro, Balasore and post graduation from Utkal University in Odia Language and literture.. He has also carved out a niche for himself as a scribe of eminence after joining the profession in 1988. He is also an independent media production professional. He brings loads of experience to Advanced Media, Ashok Palit as a cineaste has been active in film criticism for over three decades. As a film society activist, he soared to eminence for his profound commitment to the art film appreciation and aesthetics of cinema. His mode of discourse is often erudite but always lucid and comprehensible marked by a perfect acumen so rare in the field. A film aesthete with an immense fond of critical sensibilities, he wrote about growth and development of odia cinema in New Indian Express, The Times of India, The Hindustan Times, The Asian Age and Screen. He has been working as an Editor for Cine Samaya from 2002-2004.. He had made solid contribution on cinema in many odia Dailies and weekly such as Samaj, Prajatantra, Dharatri, Samaya, Satabadi, and weekly Samaya.

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