The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated the Surat Diamond Bourse today in Surat, Gujarat. Before the program, the Prime Minister also visited Panchtatva Garden, viewed the Green Building of Surat Diamond Bourse & SPINE-4, and signed the visitor booklet. Earlier in the day, the Prime Minister had also inaugurated the new terminal building at Surat Airport.
Addressing the gathering, the Prime Minister remarked that a new diamond had been added to the magnificence of Surat city. “It is not an ordinary diamond, but the best in the world”, Shri Modi said underlining that the radiance of the Surat Diamond Bourse is overshadowing the largest of edifices in the world. He credited the humbleness of Shri Vallabhbhai Lakhani and Shri Laljibhai Patel and the spirit of taking everyone along behind the success of such a huge mission as he congratulated the entire team of Surat Diamond Bourse on the occasion. “Surat Diamond Bourse will now come to the fore along with India’s pride during discussions about diamond bourses in the world”, he emphasized.
The Prime Minister said, “Surat Diamond Bourse showcases the abilities of Indian designs, designers, materials, and concepts. This building is a symbol of New India’s capabilities and resolutions.” Shri Modi congratulated the entire diamond industry, the people of Surat, Gujarat, and India on the inauguration of the Surat Diamond Bourse. Recalling his walkthrough of the Surat Diamond Bourse earlier today, the Prime Minister highlighted the architecture and mentioned the Green Building which can become an example for environment advocates around the world, the overall architecture of the building which can be used as a tool for learning by architecture and structural engineering students, and the Panchtatva Garden which can be used as an example for a lesson in landscaping.
Governor of Gujarat, Shri Acharya Devvrat, Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri Bhupendra Patel, Union Ministers, Shri Mansukh Mandaviya and Shri Purshottam Rupala, Union Minister of State, Smt Darshana Jardosh, Member of Parliament, Shri C R Patil, Chairman of Surat Diamond Bourse, Shri Vallabhbhai Lakhani and Shri Laljibhai Patel from Dharmanandan Diamond Ltd were present on the occasion.
Surat Diamond Bourse will be the World’s largest and most modern center for international diamond and jewelry business. It will be a global center for trading both rough and polished diamonds as well as jewelry. Bourse will comprise a state-of-the-art ‘Customs Clearance House’ for import–export; a Jewelry mall for retail jewelry business and a facility for International Banking and Safe Vaults.