The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated the first Indian Art, Architecture & Design Biennale (IAADB) 2023 being held at Red Fort today. During the programme, the Prime Minister inaugurated the ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat Centre for Design’ at Red Fort and the student Biennale- Samunnati. He also launched a Commemorative Stamp. Shri Modi also took a walkthrough of the exhibition showcased on the occasion. Indian Art, Architecture & Design Biennale (IAADB) will serve as an introduction to the Cultural Space in Delhi.
Addressing the gathering, the Prime Minister welcomed everyone to the World Heritage Site of the Red Fort and highlighted the historical significance of its courtyards which remain unwavering and indelible even though multiple generations have passed before and after India’s independence.
The Prime Minister said that every nation is endowed with symbols of its own that introduce the world to the country’s past and its roots. He emphasized the role of art, culture and architecture in forging the connection with these symbols. Referring to the capital city of Delhi as a treasure trove of symbols that provide a glimpse of the rich architectural heritage of India, the Prime Minister said that the organization of Indian Art, Architecture & Design Biennale (IAADB) in Delhi makes it special in ways more than one. He praised the works displayed in the exhibition and said that it is an amalgamation of colors, creativity, culture and community connect. He congratulated the Ministry of Culture, its officers, the participating nations and everyone on the successful organization of IAADB. “Books act as windows of the world. Art is the great journey of the human mind”, the Prime Minister added.
Concluding the address, the Prime Minister underlined the importance of interaction and cooperation for the prosperity of civilizations and thanked the participating countries for their partnership. He expressed confidence that more and more countries would come together and IAADB would prove to be an important beginning in this direction.
Union Minister for Culture, Shri G Kishan Reddy, Union Ministers of State for Culture, Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal and Smt Meenakshi Lekhi and Principal Architect at Diana Kellogg Architects, Ms Diana Kellogg were present on the occasion among others.
It was the Prime Minister’s vision to develop and institutionalize a flagship Global Cultural Initiative in the country like the International Biennales at Venice, São Paulo, Singapore, Sydney and Sharjah, among others. In line with this vision, a nationwide campaign to reinvent, rebrand, renovate and re-house museums was launched. Further, the development of cultural spaces in five cities of India namely Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad & Varanasi was also announced. Indian Art, Architecture & Design Biennale (IAADB) will serve as an introduction to the Cultural Space in Delhi.
IAADB will showcase different theme-based exhibitions on each day of the week:
Day 1: Pravesh- Rite of Passage: Doors of India
Day 2: Bagh e bahar: Gardens as Universe: Gardens of India
Day 3: Sampravah: Confluence of Communities: Baolis of India
Day 4: Sthapatya: Anti-fragile algorithm: Temples of India
Day 5: Vismaya: Creative Crossover: Architectural Wonders of Independent India
Day 6: Deshaj Bharat Design: Indigenous Designs
Day 7: Samatva: Shaping the Built: Celebrating Women in Architecture