Bhubaneswar:5/3/23:Last Friday two odia film had hit the theatre “Bapa Superman,” and” Bajiba lo Sahanai”. In Bapa Superman,” Siddhanta Mahapatra has essayed the lead rolee. Directed by Sudhansu Mohan sahoo-. This film’s story was written by producer Priyabrat Panda. While well-known music director Saumitri palai created the soundtrack for the film, Priyabrat panda wrote the screenplay. The film is coming under Omkaar Entertainment banner and the cast of the film are sidhanta Mohapatra, Supriya, Subhransu, Sofia Alam, Aswin Brahma, Prakash Jena, Subham, Prashant Patra & Others.
Just remember the opera drama ‘Bajiba Lo Sahanai’ in which Gauri performed so well. At that time, this drama directed by Ashutosh Mohapatra gave full entertainment to travel lovers. Now Ashutosh’s Bajiba Lo Sahanai is going to be played once again. But this time the journey is not on the stage but on the big screen. In other words, new sponsor Janjejay Dagra is going to make this story into an orthodox film. It is titled ‘Bajiba Lo Sahanai’.
Bajiba Lo Sahanai story based on the triangular love story. Jhilik Bhattacharya will be seen as the lead actress along with actor Amlan Das and Sambeet Achaty. Jhilik and Amlan will be seen together after a gap of almost 7 years after the Target movie, this is the second movie of the duo of Sambit and Jhilik. The well-known director Ashutosh Mohapatra will script and direct the movie to be produced by Janmajay Dogra. This film also feature Raimohan Parida, Manisha Mishra, Hrishikesh, Suman, Bhupathi, and Prathiva Panda in rest of the roles.