Home » State News » To ensure water security, the State Government places utmost emphasis on planning, developing & managing the State’s water resource

To ensure water security, the State Government places utmost emphasis on planning, developing & managing the State’s water resource

Bhubaneswar1/3/23:: Minister, Water Resources, Commerce & Transport Tukuni Sahu, Development Commissioner & ACS, DoWR, Anu Garg and EIC, Water Resources Bhakta Ranjan Mohanty briefed the press about the budget 2023-24 in respect of Water Resources Department. Director, Information & Public Relations Department, Indramani Tripathy was also present and coordinated the Press Meet today.

To ensure water security, the State Government places utmost emphasis on planning, developing & managing the State’s water resources.

The Department of Water Resources (DOWR) deals with major activities such as construction of irrigation projects and their operation & maintenance, water conservation, ground water development, flood control & drainage improvement, command area development, water allocation for industries and commercial establishments, formulation of State Water Policy etc. and the budget in this sector has increased from Rs.3258.45 crore in 2011-12 to Rs.9374.46 crore in 2022-23 and further enhanced to Rs.11,655croreduring 2023-24.

Budget Highlights 2023-24:

• It has been aimed to invest Rs.75,000 Crore for creation of water infrastructure in the next five years. Budget provision of Rs.11,655crore has been made to the Department of Water Resources during 2023-24.
• Six new major and medium projects to be grounded: Nabarangpur Lift Irrigation in Nabarangpur; Upper Lanth in Bolangir; Brutang in Nayagarh; Samakoi in Angul; Pipalpanka in Ganjam and Khairibhandan in Mayurbhanj.
• Rs.3355.78 crore has been allocated for execution of major and medium irrigation projects.
• Three (03) ongoing major and medium irrigation projects namely Ghatakeswar dam in Ganjam; Kusumi Barrage in Nayagarh and Manjore extension in Angul districts are to be completed.
• Impounding of water in reservoirs will be done this year in Lower Suktel Major Irrigation Project in Bolangir and Kanupur Irrigation Project in Keonjhar districts. Besides, the link canal connecting Anandapur barrage on Baitarani river to Bidyadharpur Barrage on Salandiriver will be made operational and be dedicated to the people of Keonjhar and Balasore this year.
• 20 new In-stream Storage Structures (ISS) to be taken up in addition to 46 approved ISS for conservation of water. Saptamatruka ISS in Jajpur to be completed this year. Budgetary outlay of Rs.854.41Cr has been made under this scheme.
• Additional irrigation potential of 2.33 lakh Ha. proposed to be created during 2023-24.
• As a part of Hon’ble CM’s commitment to western Odisha, GangadharMehar Lift irrigation project is to be completed and dedicated to the people before the scheduled time during this year.
• Rs 500 Cr has been allocated for construction of mega lift irrigation projects. 170 new mega lift irrigation projects approved under ParbatiGiri Mega Lift irrigation scheme (version2.0) for farmers in upland areas.
• Considering the demand of farmers, one lakh Deep Bore Wells (DBWs) have been proposed to be installed during 2021-22 to 2025-26. Rs.300 crore for 20,000 Deep Bore Wells, Rs.400.00 crore for 1500 Community LIPs and Rs.190.50 crore for revival of defunct (LIPs) has been allocated during 2023-24.
• Rs.763 crore has been approved for Mukshyamantri Cyclone Resilient Saline Embankment Project for strengthening of around 200 kms of saline embankments in Balasore, Bhadrak, Kendrapada and Puri districts with the technical support of National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai. Rs.150 crore has been allocated for this purpose during 2023-24.
• Rs.961 crore has been proposed in the budget for strengthening of the flood control embankments and drainage improvement works in the vulnerable areas.
• Rs.181 crore has been allocated for construction of 500 check dams under MukshyamantriAdibandhaTiariYojana (MATY).
• Rs.270 crore has been allocated for lining of canals. Besides, Rs.180 crore has been allocated under Command Area Development (CAD) for construction of field channels and Rs.125 crore under NabakrushnaChoudhurySechaUnayanYojana for effective utilisation of created irrigation potential.
• Rs.30 crore has been proposed for IT initiatives such as Water Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) called GO-WATER for facilitating use of technology for proper assessment of water resources; flood forecasting; irrigation management; project monitoring etc.

Major Achievements of DoWR:

• Irrigation potentialcreated in the State up end of 1999-00 was 35.91 lakh ha (Khariff-24.87 lakh ha, Rabi-11.04 lakh ha). During 2000-01 to 2021-22, additional irrigation potential of 30.97 lakh hectares has been created thereby increasing the total irrigation potential to 66.88 lakh ha (Khariff-46.27 lakh ha, Rabi-20.61 lakh ha).

• Major and medium irrigation projects mainlyUpper Indravati Lift Irrigation Project in Kalahandi, Lower Indra Major Irrigation Project benefiting Nuapada&Bolangir,Deo Irrigation Project benefiting the tribal farmers of Mayurbhanj&Keonjhar, Rengali Left Canal (RD 0 km to 71.37 km), Rengali Right Canal (RD 0 to 79 km), Bagh Barrage, Titilagarh-II, Gobardhanpur Barrage,Naraj Barrage, Ret, Telengiri, Rukura, Lower Indra Irrigation Project, Mahanadi Chittrotpala Island Irrigation(MCII) have been completed so far.

• ParbatiGiri Mega lift Irrigation Scheme was launched by the State Government during 2011-12 with an objective to provide kharif supplemental irrigation to the farmers in the upland areas by lifting water from rivers, reservoirs and Canals. So far, 208 projects in 23 districts have been taken up under this scheme to provide irrigation to approximately 2,64,329 hectares. In the 2nd phase, 170 new projects have been taken up with an estimated cost of Rs.10759 crore over a period of 5 years which will provide irrigation to an additional 2.63 lakh hectares.

• Deep Bore Well SechaKaryakramawas launched during the year 2010-11 with an objective to provide irrigation facilities mainly to small and marginal farmers through installation of deep bore wells. TheProgramme has received overwhelming response from farmers. Since inception of this programme, 102529 Bore wells have been energized and handed over to beneficiaries up Jan, 2023.Considering its success, Government has approved Rs.4198 crore for installation of additional one lakh deep bore wells by 2025-26.

• Under BijuKrushakVikasYojana, the State Government in the year 2001 launched a scheme to construct Community Lift irrigation Projects (CLIPs) through people’s participation.Since inception of this scheme, 19,446 CLIPs have been completed and additional irrigation potential of approximately 425.051 thousand hectares has been created.

• Considering the demand of need-based farmers, State Government has launched a new scheme namely “Revival of Defunct LIPs” during 2014-15 for a period from 2014-15 to 2018-19. The scheme has been extended for another five years from 2019-20 to 2023-24 with an estimated outlay of Rs.750.00 crore. So far, 8267 Lift irrigation projects have been revived under this scheme.

• In the field of Water Conservation, the scheme, “Construction of In-stream Storage Structure” was started by the State Government during 2019-20 with an outlay of Rs.11,700 crore to create large water bodies within river embankments for conservation of surface water without displacement of people. In 1st Phase, thirty (30) projects have been approved during 2021-22, out of which 28 nos are under progress and 2 nos are under tendering process. In 2nd Phase, sixteen (16) projects have been approved during 2022-23, out of which tender process has been started in 4 projects and in other projects are being expedited.

• MukhyamantriAdibandhaTiariYojana (MATY) scheme was started during 2010-11 under which, Check dams are being constructed in small streams &nallahs for conservation of water to meet the domestic need of people of nearby villages, recharging ground water and for providing incidental irrigation to the crops in the nearby agriculture land. So far more than 15000 check dams have been completed. Under version 2.0 of the scheme, another 1280 check dams are proposed with an outlay of Rs.811.45 crore over a period of three years.

• To Improve Water Use efficiency in Irrigation Projects,Canal Lining & System Rehabilitation Programme (CLSRP) was started during 2013-14 from State’s own resources with the objectives to increase water use efficiency of canal system and to enhance water availability at tail end command areas of major, medium and minor irrigation projects. Total 11 nos. of projects under medium irrigation and 46 projects under minor irrigation have been completed under the Phase-I of this programme. In the Phase-II, it was decided to execute 28 projects under medium irrigation and 39 projects under minor irrigation with an outlay of Rs.1150 crore. By end of January 2023, 3 projects in medium irrigation and 16 projects in minor irrigation for a total length of 270.67 km lining of canals have been completed.

• Nabakrushna Choudhry Secha Unayan Yojana was started during the year 2017-18 for a period of three years with an outlay of Rs.635.00 crore to revive the lost ayacut by restoring the irrigation system to its designed capacity, to increase irrigation area of some selected projects beyond designed capacity & equitable distribution of water and full utilization of designed irrigation potential. In this phase 8 ERM works under Major- Medium irrigation sector and 278 Nos. under minor irrigation sector have been completed with a total achievement of 43595 Ha. (369 Ha. Extension & 43226 Ha. Revival) of CCA.

The Scheme has been extended over a period of 5 years i.e. from 2020-21 to 2024-25 in order to complete the ongoing works under phase- I along with conceiving new project proposals with an outlay of Rs.823.45 crore. 63 ERM works of different major and medium irrigation projects have been taken up with a target to revive 50100.00 hectares through modernization & extension of canals. By the end of January’2023, two (2) ERM works have been completed under Major- Medium irrigation sector and an area of 990 Ha. has been revived.

• Command Area Development Programme is being implemented in the State since 1976-77 for optimum use of water to enhance agricultural production and productivity. The main activities taken up under CAD&WM are Survey& planning, construction of field channels & field drain, farmers’ training and crop demonstration. By the end of January 2023, 21304 hectares field channel and 274358 hectares field drainhave been constructed in different districts of the State.

• Odisha Integrated Irrigation Project for Climate Resilient Agriculture (OIIPCRA) is being implemented for a period of six years from 2019 to 2025 by three line-departments, i.e. (1) Department of Water Resources, (2) Department of Agriculture and Farmers Empowerment and (3) Department of Fishery and Animal Resource Development under the assistance of World Bank for augmenting the capacity and income of the farmers in the project area by diversifying and improving agricultural production, fostering climate-resilient agriculture practices and improving water productivity and access to reliable irrigation. Under the project, 27 nos of MIPs have been completed and 133 MIPs under progress through which 3195 Ha. CCA has been revived.

• Under Flood Control & Drainage improvement programme,Mukhyamantri Disaster Resilient Saline Embankment Project was launched by the State Government in 2022-23with an objective to mitigate riverine flood to some extent and prevent saline inundation due to the tidal surge of Bay of Bengal in four numbers of coastal districts of the State i.e. Balasore, Bhadrak, Kendrapara and Puri, thereby protecting the life and property in the region. Under the scheme, the existing low level saline embankments nearer to coastline shall be strengthened to overcome the furry of the upcoming very severe cyclones up to 250 km/hr with the technical assistance of National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT). The scheme is implemented with an outlay of Rs.763.48 crore to protect 21690 Ha. Agricultural land which will benefit 292500 people.

• To mitigate flood and to arrest saline ingress, flood control embankments & saline embankments are being constructed. Total 560 flood protection works have so far been taken up through RIDF scheme funded by NABARD, out of which, 422 flood control works have been completed up to end of January-2023 from which 1459.66 Ha. area is benefitted.

• Drainage Improvement Programme was launched with an objective to emphasize retrieval of water-logged area and clearance of drainage congestion in the coastal belt of Odishain the year 2014-15 for a period of five years with an outlay of Rs.1000.00 crore. The scheme was further extended for a period of four years starting from 2019-20 to 2022-23. So far under this programme 8963 Km drains have been renovated and 1835 no of structures have been constructed and an area of 1,68,790 hectares (approx.) of water-logged agricultural land has been retrieved.The scheme was extended third time for a period of five years i.e. from 2023-24 to 2027-28 with an outlay of Rs.1400 crore to renovate 6969 Km long drainage channel & an area of 1,05,868 Ha. will be retrieved.

• For Ground Water Development,Community Harnessing & Harvesting rain water Artificially from Terrace to Aquifer (CHHATA) scheme was launched by the State Government with an objective to improve rainwater conservation and ground water recharge through Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting Systems (RRHS) in selected urban areas (ULB) and water scarcity blocks of the State for a period of five years i.e. from FY-2022-23 to FY-2026-27 with an outlay of Rs.270 crore. The scheme aims to implement RRHS in 29500 nos. private buildings in 27 ULBs& 1925 nos of Govt. buildings in 27 ULB & 52 nos of water stressed blocks of Odisha.

• Artificial Recharge to Underground Aquifer (ARUA) scheme was launched to replenish the depleting groundwater level in the State to be implemented in six semi-critical and 26 approaching semi-critical blocks having ground water extraction of more than 65 per cent of the entire State at an estimated cost of Rs 49.23 crores over a period of five years from 2022-23 to 2026-27. Under the scheme, ground water recharge shafts are to be installed in 2,400 existing tanks. A total of 153 nos have been completed till January, 2023.

• Many IT enabled (G2G) services have been initiated in past few years as a part of 5T goals action plan of the department like ‘AmaJalasaya’, ‘e-CAD (PaniPanchayats module)’, ‘e-PINSYS’, ‘Hydromet’, ‘e-PROMIS’, ‘e-TAC’, ‘GO-WATER’ etc.


About Editor in chief

Ashok Palit has completed his graduation from Upendranath College Soro, Balasore and post graduation from Utkal University in Odia Language and literture.. He has also carved out a niche for himself as a scribe of eminence after joining the profession in 1988. He is also an independent media production professional. He brings loads of experience to Advanced Media, Ashok Palit as a cineaste has been active in film criticism for over three decades. As a film society activist, he soared to eminence for his profound commitment to the art film appreciation and aesthetics of cinema. His mode of discourse is often erudite but always lucid and comprehensible marked by a perfect acumen so rare in the field. A film aesthete with an immense fond of critical sensibilities, he wrote about growth and development of odia cinema in New Indian Express, The Times of India, The Hindustan Times, The Asian Age and Screen. He has been working as an Editor for Cine Samaya from 2002-2004.. He had made solid contribution on cinema in many odia Dailies and weekly such as Samaj, Prajatantra, Dharatri, Samaya, Satabadi, and weekly Samaya.

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